A new dynamo arrived. The new dynamo charges a lot more than the old one! Even with lights on it charges more than the old one.
New, bigger, dynamo in foreground.

06 January 2015 10:49

I would be interested to a dynamo Bosch LJ/GEG 160/12/2500 R9 for mercedes ponton 190Db year 1960. Could you estimate the price? I pray... Thanks Cordiality Minardi Giuseppe
EMAIL- minardigiuseppe@alice.it

06 January 2015 13:08

Sorry, I don't deal in parts.

You could try Googling around. Sites like these exchange old parts for rebuilt parts.

You can also try eBay. See this for an old generator you can rebuilt your own or in a local repair shop or inform about new generators. Possibly the generator for the 190SL will work on the Ponton but be sure to check specifications and dimensions twice before ordering something :).

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