Rise of the Triad started out as an add-on to Wolfenstein 3D. The first beta version was based on the Wolfenstein 3D engine and in the final version of Rise of the Triad (with it's own engine) you can clearly see the roots of the Wolfenstein 3D engine. You can read the original Rise of the Triad (ROTT) design here. If you look close you will see connections between Wolfenstein 3D and ROTT.


Download Wolfenstein 3D Part II: Rise of the Triad (version 1.1) here.

To preserve originality I used the DOS-version of Wolfenstein 3D as base. Please use DOSBox in order to play this game on a modern PC.

In-game video

My goal is to create a Wolfenstein 3D mod with the beta version in mind, and this article guides through the process of creating it.


1. Creating the original
2. The result and download
3. Development
3.1. Tools I used
3.2. Extracting the original images
3.3. Modifying Wolfenstein 3D
3.3.1. Animated walls/textures.
3.3.2. Directional 3D sprites
3.3.3. Floor/ceiling textures
3.3.4. Door changes
3.3.5. Modifying the HUD
3.3.6. Smoothing the starup
3.3.7. Main menu and episodes
3.3.8. Fade effects and border color
4. Final notes
5. Final rebuild
6. Version 1.1
6. Source code

1. Creating the original

I've searched on the web for projects to create the original Wolfenstein 3D Part 2, but didn't find any or just idea's that never spun off. Too bad, so I tried to start it on my own and to get Wolfenstein 3D running with the original graphics and such. I will use Wolfenstein 3D as base, rather than using the ROTT-source because the original game would've run on the Wolfenstein 3D engine as well.

My goal for now:
1. Use some of the original textures and sprites along with it's features
2. Use an existing ROTT map as template together with some home-made maps
3. Modify intro screen and menu
4. Use the green HUD
5. Make a finished product with one episode

2. The Result and download

You can download the final version here! A few screenshots of how it looks like:
Image Image
Image ImageRise of the Triad Wolfenstein 3D: Part II screenshots.

3. Development

I documented a few steps in the process of creating this game. Not every bit is documented but this will give you a pretty good insight of what I've done to create the game.

3.1 Tools I used

- ChaosEdit V1.27
Great editor for Wolfenstein 3D.

- Game File Explorer v1.32
Used to extract original ROTT textures.

3.2. Extracting the original images

The original textures are 64px by 64px. Apogee supplied a lot of images but not everything. The enemies don't have a running/shooting texture. In order to create something as original as possible I will use the original textures and fill up gaps by using textures from the released version Rise of the Triad. Some of the models we're already done by other people. Thanks go out to RGamesINC, Majik Monkee, Justin, The Great Wasabi, Conner94 and my very own brother.

I could not find the red officer model thus I decided to make it on my own. My brother was of great help here.

3.3. Modifying Wolfenstein 3D

The engine of Rise of the Triad is superior compared to Wolfenstein 3D in a few aspects. To overcome this I will change the Wolfenstein 3D source code. Thanks to the well known 'people of the Internet' for the tutorials! Note: I wrote this when I started developing with the original Wolfenstein 3D source, whereas the final version has been rewritten (again) from scratch using Chris' Memboost.zip. Source may vary!

3.3.1. Animated walls/textures.

Used for the fireplace texture. The tutorial gives you the code for animating three textures. It includes five pieces of code; each part is like this and represents a certain speed:
I changed the '%3' to '%4' in order to use four textures. Finally the editor (ChaosEdit) has to be modified to use the animation effect. Go to the folder 'mapobjects\Wolfenstein 3D' inside the installation folder of ChaosEdit and find Lists.txt. Add extra lines here; I added the following near line 67:
98,"Secret door",
100,"Animation slow",
101,"Animation normal",
102,"Animation fast",
43,"Gold key",
You can also add number 103 and 104 which are even more speedier but I didn't need them for now.

At last but not least you have to place a wall and load up the textures. I used 'Grey wall 1' and texture 70, 72, 74 and 76. Don't forget to insert the object 'animation fast' right over the wall.
After implementing this the fireplace started working!

3.3.2. Directional 3D sprites

In order to use transparent walls I've implemented the directional sprites which I based on the Chaos Software's 3D directional sprites tutorial. Unfortunately the link to his website doesn't exist anymore.

Because the directional sprites eat up some memory I had to remove wolfhack.c and whack_a.asm from the project. In Borland C go to Window > Project and remove both files.

After following the tutorial I've changed ChaosEdit to use the sprite. In Lists.txt I've added number 72:
72,"Fence door",
42,"Bones 1",
In sprinfo.txt I've added number 72 as well:
70 49 1 0
72 49 1 0
124 95 1 0
By using sprite number 49 I did overwrite the vines sprite but I wasn't planning on using that texture anyway.

Current ingame progress including a see-throught 'wall' (Directional 3D sprite)!

3.3.3. Floor/ceiling textures

A great improvement but bad for performance!
I used this tutorial to get floor and ceiling. I doubt if the original idea of Wolfenstein 3D Part II : Rise of the Triad also included the floor/ceiling textures, but I decided to implement them for better looks.
Image Image
After implementing floor/sky textures.

Because the floor/sky textures use up roughly double the number of cycles I added an option to switch off the floor/sky textures on-the-fly. In-game go to the Menu > Options and toggle the 'High Detail Enabled' setting.

3.3.4. Door changes

Changing the door textures is an easy task. Changing the 'doortracks' requires modification in the source code. I dove into WL_DRAW.C and found references like DOORWALL. In order to add the ROTT doortracks with the silver and golden key I modified the following:
Changed '#define DOORWALL (PMSpriteStart-8)' to value -10. I did this because I added two extra textures.

Then I've searched for HitVertWall and changed 'unsigned texture;' to 'unsigned texture, doornum;'. Scroll down and search for '// check for adjacent doors' and the following code:
if (tilehit & 0x40)
{ // check for adjacent doors
ytile = yintercept>>TILESHIFT;
if ( tilemap[xtile-xtilestep][ytile]&0x80)
//Door found
doornum = tilemap[xtile-xtilestep][ytile]&0x7f;
switch (doorobjlist[doornum].lock)
case dr_normal:
wallpic = DOORWALL+2;
case dr_lock1:
wallpic = DOORWALL+9;
case dr_lock2:
wallpic = DOORWALL+8;
case dr_lock3:
case dr_lock4:
case dr_elevator:
wallpic = DOORWALL+2;
wallpic = vertwall[tilehit & ~0x40];
Also repeat this for HitHorizWall but change all the y-axis to x-axis (ytile will be xtile etcetera). For HitHorizWall you'll change:
if (tilehit & 0x40)
{ // check for adjacent doors
xtile = xintercept>>TILESHIFT;
if ( tilemap[xtile][ytile-ytilestep]&0x80 )
wallpic = DOORWALL+2;
wallpic = horizwall[tilehit & ~0x40];
if (tilehit & 0x40)
{ // check for adjacent doors
xtile = xintercept>>TILESHIFT;
if ( tilemap[xtile][ytile-ytilestep]&0x80 )
//Door found
doornum = tilemap[xtile][ytile-ytilestep]&0x7f;
switch (doorobjlist[doornum].lock)
case dr_normal:
wallpic = DOORWALL+2;
case dr_lock1:
wallpic = DOORWALL+9;
case dr_lock2:
wallpic = DOORWALL+8;
case dr_lock3:
case dr_lock4:
case dr_elevator:
wallpic = DOORWALL+2;
wallpic = horizwall[tilehit & ~0x40];
Image Image
Including nice side textures ('doortracks') with corresponding key colors.

3.3.5. Modifying the HUD

The original Rise of the Triad files have two different HUD's. I will use the thin HUD (see image) because I guess this one is 'newer'. The thick HUD seems more like the original Wolf3D HUD with different colors.

Because the HUD is smaller I have to change the source to draw a smaller HUD and to place all the items on the correct spot.
In WL_DEF.H I've changed #define STATUSLINES 40 into 30. This draws a smaller HUD.
- Change LatchDrawPic (x,y,picnum); into LatchDrawPic (x+1,y-5,picnum); in order to change the B.J. head.
- Change LatchNumber (21,16,3,gamestate.health); into LatchNumber (14,20,2,gamestate.health);
- Change LatchNumber (27,16,2,gamestate.ammo); into LatchNumber (22,20,3,gamestate.ammo);
- Change LatchNumber (6,16,6,gamestate.score); into LatchNumber (5,20,6,gamestate.score);
- Commented (//) the DrawLives
- Changed LatchNumber (2,16,2,gamestate.mapon+1); into LatchNumber (0,20,2,gamestate.mapon+1);
- Changed StatusDrawPic (32,8,KNIFEPIC+gamestate.weapon); into StatusDrawPic (32,5,KNIFEPIC+gamestate.weapon);
- Changed the keys according this tutorial: Poet's Source Code Tutorials and created the proper key images.

Perhaps I haven't mentioned all the changes I did here. In case you struggle to get the HUD in proper shape please read the source code thoroughly and follow up any leads to the HUD one by one.

3.3.6. Smoothing the starup

I disabled the PG13 screen by commenting the void PG13 section in WL_INTER.C. I did not comment one VW_FadeOut(); line because I wanted to keep the fadeout effect. In order to re-design the signon screen I followed this tutorial.

3.3.7. Main menu and episodes

To re-shape the 'Skill selection' menu I've modified WL_MENU.C: changed the values of 'void DrawNewGameDiff(int w)' and 'void DrawNewGame(void)'.

The color of the main menu is defined in WL_MENU.H. I changed the colors as following:

#define BORDCOLOR 0xDE
#define BORD2COLOR 0xDD
#define DEACTIVE 0xDF
#define BKGDCOLOR 0xE5
#define STRIPE 0xDF

#define MenuFadeOut() VL_FadeOut(0,255,0,0,0,10)
This is a solid brown color that matches the intro screen after importing it into Wolf3D. The original colors of Rise of the Triad are a tad different but because I did not fiddle with the palette some colors are different in my version.

I used the original Wolf3D VGAGraph menu headers because the original introscreen also features the Wolf3D style font.

In WL_MENU.C I changed int EpisodeSelect[6]={1}; to int EpisodeSelect[4]={1}; and changed
for (i=0;i<4;i++)

I removed the

following (don't forget the comma of Episode 4!):
{3,"Episode 5\n"
"Trail of the Madman",0},
{3,"Episode 6\n"
I removed
NewEmenu[8].active =
NewEmenu[10].active =
and changed
EpisodeSelect[1] =
EpisodeSelect[2] =
EpisodeSelect[3] =
EpisodeSelect[4] =
EpisodeSelect[5] = 1;
EpisodeSelect[1] =
EpisodeSelect[2] =
EpisodeSelect[3] = 1;
In order to disable the last three episodes I commented the NewEmnu[1].active = and EpisodeSelect[1] parts in the 'if (!findfirst("*.WL6",&f,FA_ARCH))' section.
Image Image
The brown main menu with just four episodes visible. In the final version it's only possible to select the first episode.

3.3.8. Fade effects, border color and victory-screens

The original Wolfenstein has an metal-like color as border, fade effects and in the screens between levels. This doesn't fit with the brown color of the menu.

- In WL_ACT2.C in the A_StartDeathCam section I changed 'VW_Bar (0,0,320,200-STATUSLINES,127);' to VWB_Bar (0,0,320,200-STATUSLINES,222);
- In WL_GAME.C change all the VWB_Bar (0,0,xl-1,200-STATUSLINES,127); into VWB_Bar (0,0,xl-1,200-STATUSLINES,222); and the VWB_Vlin (yl-1,yl+viewheight,xl+viewwidth,125); into VWB_Vlin (yl-1,yl+viewheight,xl+viewwidth,220);
- In WL_INTER.C change VWB_Bar (0,0,320,200-STATUSLINES,127); into VWB_Bar (0,0,320,200-STATUSLINES,221);
- In WL_MENU.H change #define VIEWCOLOR 0x7d in #define VIEWCOLOR 222.

At last but not least I changed all the VGAGraph's and painted new brown images.

4. Final notes

I enjoyed creating this version of Wolfenstein 3D. The first bits of modification are fairly easy. It doesn't need much to see that the game is modified (different maps, textures and sounds). Lot's of source code is available and well documented. After the base of the game is ready the bug-hunting, level design and last bits have to be done, and those last bits are worst! Random crashes are difficult to locate, adding functionality that is not documented can be time consuming and after a few levels it's getting harder to find inspiration for the next level. Nevertheless I'm satisfied with the result.

5. Final rebuild

Because I was struggling with bugs I decided to rebuild everything from scratch. I copied a fresh version of Wolfenstein 3D, used the optimized Wolf3D source ('memboost.zip') as base and added the new content step by step. Each subversion had a new feature (ROTT01; textures, ROTT02; sprites; ROTT06; Moving walls) so in case I run into bugs I know which modification is to blame.

In the rebuild process I noticed the following:
The moving walls code doesn't work with memboost. In order to get it working again you have to change
switch(*(mapsegs[1]+ytile*MAPSTRETCH + xtile))

A few other tutorials will be more difficult for the unexperienced coder if you use the 'memboost' source code, because few parts of the code are quite different.

6. Version 1.1

Updated 11 September 2019: I made an improvement in the source-code by keeping the old scalers. This will use up extra memory but also increase performance by about 40% according to the readme of Chris' memboost.zip.

The readme dictates that #define OLDSCALE in the VERSION.H should be uncommented. However, due several changes in the source-code this didn't work as intended anymore. In WL_DRAW.C I bumped into problems with the _Scale3DShape function because in WL_SCALE.C the Scale3DShape code was placed in the 'non OLDSCALE' section (defined by #ifndef OLDSCALE). I copied the code to the last block (row #1366) to also include it when OLDSCALE is uncommented.

7. Source code

Download the source code of Wolfenstein 3D Part II: Rise of the Triad (version 1.1): WROTT11SOURCE.ZIP.

20 November 2015 02:35

Hey dude i'm having trouble running the game with dosbox. Whenever i loaded the game it always had terrible lagging issues for me. I'm using dosbox v0.74 aka the latest build of dosbox. And i'm asking how do i fix this. - Luigi2600

20 November 2015 10:28

You have to make sure that DOSBox has enough cycles. The cycles are shown in the title-bar of DOSBox and you can increase them by pressing CTRL+F12. To decrease press CTRL+F11.

I just tested the game and you'll need about 25000 cycles to make the game playable (default from DOSBox is just 3000 cycles!). To improve stability of the game it's best to set the cycles to 25000 before starting the game.

If your PC is not fast enough to run 25000 cycles you can go to the Options menu and unset the 'High Detail Enabled' setting. This will remove floor and sky textures and will greatly improve performance.

21 November 2015 02:53

Thanks man also i was messing around with Chaosedit and managed to make a ECWolf port of this mostly as a test. Anyways here's the link. However it doesn't have the sky textures but everything else is mostly there. Also i have a windows 7 so i think it can run 25000 cycles just fine anyways thanks for telling me and now it runs how it should.- Luigi2600


23 November 2015 12:05

ECWolf looks good/authentic! It seems you have some coding work left in order to get the 3D-sprites correctly. Also note that I made several other changes (i.e. dogs have random walking speed upon spawn, soldiers rarely drop extra blood, exit-points in RoTT-style and animated sprites).

24 November 2015 21:49

That's sweet i did managed to fix up the level a bit and updated it to make it into what it's suppose to be. I mostly fixed all the problems with the level design and just made into a exact replica of the dos level.

Updated Version:

24 November 2015 21:54

Also i'll mostly likely upload a video of it later so you can send me the link to your modification on the video if you want. - Luigi2600

02 December 2015 21:58

Do you also have source-code for the ECwolf version you are using? Several changes I did to the original Wolfenstein can only be done in source code.

04 September 2017 20:44

Hey man.

Your mod looks cool. I was wondering though, would it be possible to release the source code in order to convert the project to ECWolf? I wouldn't mind helping if you don't have the time to do so.

Email me if you're up for it.

04 September 2017 20:45

email is: jonathan( d o t )bergeron( a t )hotmail( d o t )com

19 March 2019 01:48

Hey Thandor. Do you have source-code of you Wolf3D: ROTT? Maybe I make a next episodes, but for only me. And you :D Not published. Please send me at icehunt7@gmail.com

11 September 2019 16:22

Sorry for the delay but I have finally found and uploaded the source code. I also made an adjustment for increased performance so that it should be playable on a decent 386DX (with high detail off).

To download the compiled version 1.1 see the article above (Downloads, at the top). To download the source code please refer to section 7: Source code at the end of the article :).

20 July 2022 00:30

Would you like to work on a Wolf mod with me?

if so, send me an email to yuyuhx@gmail.com

22 July 2022 11:54


You should join this Discord server. It is the official server of Wolf3D.net, here you can find more people who can help you on your ROTT project. and believe me, alot of people on this server can uplift your project and bring even more concepts from Wolf3D Part II

23 July 2022 15:01

I'm not quite up to getting involved in a Wolfenstein 3D project at the moment. As mentioned you can perhaps find people through Discord. Of course feel free to use my source code if you want to improve and/or use things :).

If you have anything running (even in beta-stage) based on my mod, please let me know! I'm interested to see what other people can make of it :).

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