02 September 2015 19:03
Jackpot, a DOS-game from 1991 written by Tim de Groot. A game involving cards, a joker bar and bonus points. It's all based on luck and good timing.
You can download the game here. It will run in DOSBox but the timing is a little off. It runs perfectly on older XT and AT systems, though.
Instructions on playing the game:
Spacebar : roll new cards
Keys 1 to 4: 'hold' a card for the next roll. This can only be done if 'HOLD' is written under the cards.
F1 : Help (in Dutch)
F3 : Clear highscore list
F5 : End game
F9 : Show highscore list
S : Toggle sound on/off
D : Toggle demo play on/off.
The scoring of the cards is as following:
4 x DJAHIL cards | 200 points |
4 x 5 BAR cards | 180 points |
4 x 3 BAR cards | 170 points |
4 x 1 BAR cards | 160 points |
4 identical 'regular' cards | 150 points |
3 x DJAHIL cards | 40 points |
3 x 5 BAR cards | 35 points |
3 x 3 BAR cards | 30 points |
3 x 1 BAR cards | 25 points |
3 identical 'regular' cards | 20 points |
2 x DJAHIL cards | 15 points |
2 x 5 BAR cards | 10 points |
2 x 3 BAR cards | 7 points |
2 x 1 BAR cards | 5 points |
2 identical 'regular' cards on row | 3 points |
2 identical 'regular' cards | 2 points |
The bonus points will be collected over time and you can gamble them when you get a 'BONUS' card on a roll or when the bar is completely full.
On the bottom you'll see a playing cards row which can be used whenever you have a 'JOKER' card on a roll. The idea is to collect 21 points using the joker bar. If you have a 'JOKER' card and used it you'll often have the ability to hold the cards. To use the 'JOKER' again hold all four cards by pressing 1 to 4 and then roll again.
What does the game look like?
To see the game in action please play this video:
Two in-game screenshots: