This page will show all objects that are named R80286, and if possible sorted on production date.
Click on the blue name(s) or picture(s) below for detailed information, pictures and benchmarks (if available).
This page will show all objects that are named R80286, and if possible sorted on production date.
Click on the blue name(s) or picture(s) below for detailed information, pictures and benchmarks (if available).
This is a CPU I like because of two reasons: it's quite basic and noticeably faster than a 8086 / 8088. Secondly it's the packaging. We all know today's Land Grid Array (LGA) CPU's like the Core 2, i7 and second/third generation Opteron CPU's but most people don't know that 2004 wasn't the first tim... > Read more
See this CPU which is almost the same. They are both early '86 and lack a sSpec number.... > Read more
As far as I know this is the second fastest R80286 LCC chip Intel made. Intel also made an 12MHz model. In case you find a 16MHz LCC 286 then it's probably made by AMD.... > Read more
Not much to say about this 286 CPU. It was made in 1988 and runs at 10MHz.... > Read more
Technically the same as this CPU. This particular model is more than two years newer and has a sSpec number etched on top.... > Read more
At 12MHz 286 made in late 1988. The 12MHz model is Intels' fastest 286. Other companies manufactured 286 processors clocking at 16, 20 or 25MHz.... > Read more
I have a couple of these LGA68 286 CPU's at 8MHz and all of them a little bit different. For example this CPU is labeled SX123 just like this R80286 however the identification code is printed on a different row despite that both CPU's have been assembled in ... > Read more
Technically the same as this CPU. This particular model is more than four years newer and has a sSpec number etched on top.... > Read more