AMD K5 PR166
Identical to this AMD K5 PR166. This particular model has been manufactured in week 29 of 1997.
In practical terms the K5 PR166 was AMD's top of the line CPU. There are a few PR200 models on the market but they are very rare. AMD didn't want the K5 PR200 to compete with their own AMD K6-line so they quickly stopped production of the PR200.
All in all the AMD K5 didn't sell very well. In European games magazines (at least German, Dutch and British) you can find a few adverts of companies selling systems. Often they only mention the Intel Pentium and sometimes a Cyrix as alternative. The AMD K5 didn't get much notion and if it did it would be the very low end solution: for example an advert with K5-PR100, Cyrix PR166+ and Pentium 133 through 200.