19 May 2006 12:29

Hey Thandor,

Do we have to type everything in English?

That's no problem, though... :P

19 May 2006 14:56

Yes, it would be nice if we all talk English :)
By the way, congratulations with your first topic! :+

27 June 2006 09:36

Thandor, congrats with your first fifth ;) user: ME!!!
I like to annoy you, you know ;)

27 June 2006 02:16

Hey hey, I'm the first user ^^
Prutz0r was second. Although, other people have registered earlier but that was on the test-site long time ago :+

27 June 2006 10:23

Is this a React forum or something else?

27 June 2006 17:09

No, I programmed it myself.

28 June 2006 08:47

Nice, but you should include more codes and smileys :)
Not that I could've done better, but I am a 13-year old who can't even program in visual basic :D

29 June 2006 01:50

This topic has been assimilated by the Bo... me :P
Even though I can't imagine why I took the time to register here, the database has now been contaminated( :P) with my presence ;)

29 June 2006 01:49

Contaminated :+

Well, have fun on my 'forum' :P

29 June 2006 12:36

It's not a real forum... YET :P
LOL how did it get here instead of down below?

29 June 2006 14:22

Fixed :)

13 August 2006 13:46

Time for another futile kick :P

Nice to see that you have made not only your own forum but also your own software :). Now, about a possible skin feature? :+

And of course I'm missing a smiley :P

13 August 2006 20:32

Time for another futile kick :P

Nice to see that you have made not only your own forum but also your own software :).

Yes, indeed the forum is written by me. I'm still working on it (just updated a few pages on the site) and slowly it's getting better.
Now, about a possible skin feature? :+

A skin feature? Nah :+
And of course I'm missing a smiley :P

Correct. Unfortunatly I can't use those emoticons. I have to ask for permission first and I'm too lazy to do that ;)

16 August 2006 18:30

Yes, indeed the forum is written by me. I'm still working on it (just updated a few pages on the site) and slowly it's getting better.
A skin feature? Nah :+
Correct. Unfortunatly I can't use those emoticons. I have to ask for permission first and I'm too lazy to do that ;)

mmm, when I read http://gathering.tweakers.net/forum/faq/credit-smileys I get the impression that you don't have to ask permission to use those smilies exept that you must mention that they are from Tweakers.net, I also do that and it's no problem :)

* De site waarop de smilies komen te staan is van non-commerciele aard en mag geen content bevatten die hier niet getolereerd zou worden. Denk hierbij aan warez, kinderporno, fascistisch gedachtegoed en andere verboden of anderszins ongewenste praktijken. Als je twijfelt, stuur ons dan een mailtje.
* Er is een duidelijke vermelding van Tweakers.net bij de credits en een link naar Tweakers.net aanwezig.
* Eventuele verzoeken van derden voor hergebruik worden doorverwezen naar Tweakers.net.
* Het gebruik van O+ is slechts voorbehouden aan Tweakers.net en Fokzine, aangezien deze smiley speciaal voor iemand gemaakt is (mensen van de oude garde weten vast wel wie). De rest staat, uiteraard na voldaan te hebben aan bovengenoemde punten, je geheel ter beschikking.

17 August 2006 21:41

Er is een duidelijke vermelding van Tweakers.net bij de credits en een link naar Tweakers.net aanwezig.

Hmm, indeed. I'll add the emoticons a.s.a.p. :)

09 October 2006 01:07

More emoticons are available now :)

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