29 December 2024 23:44

Happy New Year everyone!
Looks like it's been quiet for a long time. Hi everyone, I'm a retro game lover. Last winter I tried to write a Mario-like game in Turbo C++ 3.0, but failed. I don't know how to listen to keyboard key events and control the player's movement. Thanks for some references to games written in Pascal. I'm not very familiar with Pascal, hope I can understand these codes :D

30 December 2024 18:11

Hello! It's not very active on my forum indeed. Lots of other retro forums that are way more active :). However, I do update my hardware collection and benchmarks every once in a while.

Nice to see you dived into programming MS-DOS. I don't have much experience with C++ but did my (novice) share on Pascal. Regarding Mario you can actually find decent source code online for Turbo Pascal. You can find it on www.wieringsoftware.nl/mario. Perhaps you can learn real-time keyboard events from that source code.

The code in Bloxinies doesn't feature the nice real-time keyboard scanning. I do read for keyboard inputs but this does delay the movement of the character once after pressing the key. For a Bloxinies style game this is not really a problem but platform games should use realtime keyboard scanning.

I hope you can work out something using the source code of Wiering Software. If you can show progress of your game I'm more than happy to look at it! :)

Happy new year too!

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