24 April 2008 05:35

Ahem :P

I just noticed i registered without the use of an Email-adres while it's greyed out looking like you need one. Also after registering the thread-list appears to showup double, so Announcements would show up double, and so on.

Nicely done, Thandor. Forum still requires some fixing here and there tho ;)

Could the feature '_Blank' be added on every link on this forum? It will open every link in a new tab/window depending on the browser. Much more handyer and visiters won't leave your site that quick ;)

27 April 2008 12:11

Hm, I'll put it on the todo list and fix it soon :P. Thanks for alerting me :).

I just noticed i registered without the use of an Email-adres while it's greyed out looking like you need one.

What do you mean with 'greyed out'? Here all the fields are just normal and all the fields are basically the same. And by the way, an e-mail address is not necessary. The field is also located beneath the header 'Fill in your stuff / personal information (Optional)'.

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